AERE @ OSWEET Programs
February 14, 2025: Environmental Development Tradeoffs
- The Forest-infrastructure tradeoff: Local distributional impacts of clearing forests for infrastructure - Sunny Mitra (UC Berkeley)
- Labour vs. coal: Input substitution in the Indian manufacturing sector - Raavi Aggarwal (ISI)
- Shifts in agricultural practices: Evidence from India - Shreya Mishra (IIML)
December 6, 2024: Infrastructure and Inequality
- Disaster and disparity: The heterogeneous effects of hurricanes on Louisiana’s rental market - Haishan Yang (Minnesota)
- Urban redevelopment and gentrification: Evidence from Atlanta BeltLine - Yixuan Wang (Ohio State)
- Levees and levies: Local financing of climate infrastructure maintenance and housing market dynamics - Yichun Fan (MIT)
November 8, 2024: Air Pollution
- Work-residence pollution exposure gap in the United States - Devika Chirimar (Georgetown)
- Cargo ships and coastal smog - Philip Economides (Texas Tech)
- Air pollution and avoidance behavior: Evidence from daily activities in the US - Xinhui Sun (UIUC)
October 11, 2024: Agriculture, Economics, and the Environment:
- Irrigation infrastructure and agricultural development in the long run: Evidence from the Senegal River Valley - Joel Ferguson (Stanford)
- Understanding the drivers of cover crop adoption in the US Midwest using satellite data - Na Zhang (UIUC)
- Compensation mechanism, program scale, and the efficiency of payment for ecosystem services programs - Micah Cameron-Harp (Kansas State)
September 13, 2024: Health and the Environment:
- Adulterated spice: Lead poisoning, crime, and fertility - Xinming Du (Columbia)
- Noise pollution and mental health - Kaiyi Wen (Binghamton)
- Effects of community sanitation behavior on women anemia: Evidence from ten Sub-Saharan African Countries - Ammazia Hanif (Tsukuba)
August 9, 2024: Energy
- Gold plate or glint? Identifying the effect of competition on capital investment in US power plants - Madeline Yozwiak (Indiana)
- The tragedy of the common heating bill - Harald Mayr (Zurich)
- Effect of contract design in renewable energy auctions - Anshuman Bhakri (Boston College)
July 2024: No session
June 7, 2024: Infrastructure and Environment
- Expansion of Piped Water and Sewer Networks: The Effects of Regulation - Carolina Tojal R. dos Santos (University of Michigan)
- Bridging Economic Disparities: The Role of Bike Lanes in Enhancing Low-Income Accessibility - Hugo Cordeau (Univeristy of Toronto)
- Bottle Redemption, Wealth Transfers, and Informal Wages - Maya Norman (Columbia University)
May 3, 2024: Resource Economics
- Estimating the indirect costs of floods: Evidence from high-tide flooding - Seunghoon Lee (Missouri)
- Subsidizing technology adoption under treatment effect heterogeneity: The case of rainwater harvesting in Mexico City - Javier Alejandro Lopez-Aguilar (Maryland)
- Large-scale mining and local impacts: Evidence from Mongolia - Odmaa Narantungalag (Denver)
April 5, 2024: Agriculture and the Environment
- Postharvest losses from weather and climate change: Evidence from 1.2 million truckloads - Sarah Smith (UC Davis)
- Weather stations and agricultural productivity: Evidence from historical data in the US - Vaibhav Anand (Saint John’s)
- Efficiency and redistribution in environmental policy: An equilibrium analysis of agricultural supply chains - Tomas Dominguez-Iino (Chicago Booth)
March 8, 2024: Local and Global Pollutants
- Estimating the Social Cost of Methane with the GIVE Model - Lisa Rennels (UC Berkeley)
- How to Better Predict the Effect of Urban Traffic and Weather on Air Pollution? Norwegian Evidence from Machine Learning Approaches - Cong Cao (Caltech)
- International Climate Finance: Carbon Mitigation, Welfare Effects, and Optimal Allocation - Naixin Huang (Harvard)
February 2, 2024: Forests and Air
- The equilibrium effects of anti-deforestation policies: Evidence from Brazil - Veronica Salazar Restrepo (LSE)
- When growth stumbles, pollute? Trade war, environmental enforcement, and pollution - Xinming Du (National University of Singapore)
- Cleaning the air? The causal effects of traffic restrictions - Maurizio Malpede (Verona)
December 8, 2023: Energy and Political Economy
October 27, 2023: Air
- Toxic Recycling: Used lead-acid battery processing’s negative effect on test scores in Mexico - Erin Litzow (UBC)
- The persistent health effect of defoliating Vietnam - Nguyen Vuong (Wisconsin)
- Restricting trade for the environment? Evidence from import restrictions on used vehicles in China - Hui Zhou (Rhode Island)
September 22, 2023: Enviro-Labor
- The value of weather forecasts: Labor responses to accurate and inaccurate temperature forecasts in China - Yuqi Song (Harvard)
- The distributional impacts of climate change across U.S. local labor markets - Emmett Saulnier (Oregon)
- The hidden costs of recycling: Lead exposure and the learning crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa - Gerald Ipapa (Delaware)
August 25, 2023: Water
- Impact of maternal exposure to PFAS on infant health outcomes - Robert Baluja (Arizona)
- Dust, drought and farmland values: Evidence from California - Siddharth Kishore (UC Riverside)
- Water, dust, and environmental justice: The case of agricultural water diversions - Danae Hernandez-Cortes (Arizona State)
July 28, 2023: Climate and Energy
- Local institutions, resource management, and climate resilience: Evidence from federally supported conservation districts in the USA - Aparna Howlader (Chatham)
- Do homebuyers value energy efficiency? Evidence from an information shock - Brendon McConnell (Southampton)
- Stranded oil: Measuring companies’ reserve sensitivity to the oil price - Diego Cardoso (Purdue)
June 30, 2023: Climate Change and Risk
- Pricing physical climate risk in the cross-section of returns - Glen Gostlow (LSE)
- Inattention to the coming storm? Rising seas and sovereign credit risk - Atreya Dey (Edinburgh)
- The effects of extreme wildfire and smoke events on household financial outcomes - Nitzan Tzur-Ilan (Dallas Fed)
May 26, 2023: Ag and the Environment
- Local crop diversity and pest diffusion - Tristan du Puy (Columbia SIPA)
- Impacts of local research centers on agricultural productivity, resilience, and innovation - Shweta Bhogale (JPAL/MIT)
- When clouds go dry: An integrated model of deforestation, rainfall, and agriculture - Rafael Araujo (Climate Policy Initiative)
April 28, 2023: Equity and Justice
- Burying the lead: Effects of public lead service line replacements on blood lead levels and property values - Michelle Marcus (Vanderbilt)
- Who benefits from park funding? Analyzing five decades of the Land and Water Conservation Fund - Andie Creel (Yale School of the Environment)
- Policy-induced environmental inequality: Firm behaviors and consequent health and labor outcomes - Ran Song (National University of Singapore)
March 31, 2023: Climate and Adaptation
- Heat stress in rails - Xinming Du (Columbia)
- Does market power in agricultural markets hinder farmer climate change adaptation? - Rajat Kochhar (USC)
- Occupational mobility and climate adaptation in France - Paul Stainier (UCLA)
February 24, 2023: Air Quality
- Air pollution and mental illness - Soodeh Saberian (U Manitoba)
- Non-market damages of wildfire smoke: evidence from administrative recreation data - Jacob Gellman (UC Santa Barbara)
- Still your grandfather’s boiler: Estimating the effects of the Clean Air Act’s grandfathering provisions - Jack Gregory (UC Davis)
June 20, 2022: Climate, Organization, and Ag
- The role of local institutions in climate resilience: Historical evidence from soil conservation districts in the post-dust bowl Great Plains region - Aparna Howlader (Rhode Island)
- Multinationals vs Mother Nature? The impact of multinational firms on the environment - Frederik Noack (UBC)
- Internal migration and the organization of agriculture - Raahil Madhok (UBC)
May 13, 2022: Energy
- Energy transition metals: Bottleneck for net-zero emissions? - Lukas Boer (DIW Berlin)
- Policy legacies and energy transitions: Greening policies under sectoral reforms in Argentina and Chile - Santiago Cunial (UPenn)
- Price discrimination on choice frictions in residential electricity markets - Jenya Kahn-Lang (UC Berkeley)
April 29, 2022: Environment and Energy in India
- Burned agricultural biomass, air pollution, and crime - Abubakr Ayesh (Michigan State)
- Electricity market design and market-based environmental policy in India - Shefali Khanna (Imperial College London)
- Economic and demographic effects of increased flood susceptibility: Evidence from rural India - Osama Sajid (Cornell)
April 1, 2022: Justice and Political Economy
- Stubble burning and forest fires: Effect on child height in India - Prachi Singh (EDF)
- Visibility and vulnerability: Aid allocations after the 2015 Nepal earthquake - Matthew Gordon (Yale)
- Does the media respond to political messaging? Evidence from local newspaper coverage of climate change - Graham Beattie (Loyola Marymount)
March 18, 2022: Water and Climate
- Regulator preferences and underinvestment in water infrastructure - Chunyu Guo (SUNY Albany)
- Regional water transfer and economic growth: A synthetic control case study - Arpita Nehra (Utah State)
- Near-term climate damages under flexible adaptation times - Maximilian Kotz (Potsdam)
March 4, 2022: Food and Waste
- Household responses to a corrective tax and climate change mitigation: Evidence from food waste tax
- Seunghoon Lee (MIT)
- Market potential for domestic herbs: A new variant of “consequentiality” for valuing contingent private goods
- Twinkle Roy (Georgia)
- Rethinking recycling? The effects of China’s waste-import ban on pollution relocation in the U.S.
- Shan Zhang (Oregon)
February 18, 2022: Technology Adoption
- Split incentives and endogenous inattention in home retrofits uptake: A story of selection on unobservables? - Stefano Cellini (Surrey)
- Early warning systems, mobile technology, and cholera aversion: Evidence from rural Bangladesh - Emily Pakhtigian (Penn State)
- Using targeting to optimize program design: Evidence from an energy conservation experiment - Muxi Yang (Cornell)
February 4, 2022: Energy
- Optimal energy subsidies with multiple policy instruments: The case for finite-time-horizon policies - Owen Kay (Michigan)
- Capital versus output subsidies with an inconsistent regulator - Asa Watten (EPA)
- Decomposing the effect of renewables on the electricity sector - Paige Weber (UNC)
January 21, 2022: Pollution and Driving
- Does it measure up? A comparison of pollution exposure assessment techniques applied across hospitals in England -
- Dheeya Rizmie (Imperial College London)
- Peer Effects in Electric Vehicle Adoption: Evidence from the Swedish Vehicle Market - Sebastian Tebbe (IIES)
December 13, 2021: Perception and Conservation
- The role of information in the Rosen-Roback framework - Ran Song (Yale-NUS)
- Do subjective perceptions shape adaptation to climate change? Evidence from Bangladesh - Guglielmo Zappala (Paris School of Economics)
- The cost of saving the Amazon - Rabail Chandio (Ohio State)
November 12, 2021: Behavior
- Choice architecture 2.0: Embedding reflection in nudges to promote low carbon diets - Sanchayan Banerjee (LSE)
- Mental scarcity and collective action - Todd Guilfoos (University of Rhode Island)
- Role of gender identity on conservation practice choice in an agricultural land leasing context: A lab experiment - Diya Ganguly (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
October 29, 2021: Air and Externalities
- Strategic local regulators and the efficacy of national pollution standards - Ruohao Zhang (Northwestern)
- Environmental externalities and social contact: Evidence from refinery pollution in the U.S. - Xinming Du (Columbia)
- Local inequalities generated by fracking, remote sensing of neighborhood transformation - Arman Khachiyan (UCSD)
October 8, 2021: Transportation
- Uncertainty in preferences for recharging electric vehicles - Gracia Bruchmann (Bern)
- Effects of public transit fares increases on gasoline consumption: High-frequency evidence from China - Yuchen Wang (Pitt)
- For whom the bridge tolls: Congestion, air pollution, and second-best road pricing - Matthew Tarduno (UC Berkeley)
September 24, 2021: Enviro
- Disentangling the many-to-many mapping of natural capital and ecosystem services - Ethan Addicott (Yale)
- Technology transitions and the timing of environmental policy: Evidence from efficient lighting - Sarah Armitage (Harvard)
- Cost-effectiveness and robustness of conservation measures in agricultural landscapes facing climate change - Charlotte Gerling (TU Berlin)
September 10, 2021: Ag and Climate
- Can recycled water cure all? Coastal agriculture’s battle with seawater intrusion and groundwater overdraft - Molly Sears (UC Berkeley)
- Cicadian rhythm: Insecticides, infant health, and long-term outcomes - Charles Taylor (Columbia)
- Is working at home a way of adaptation to climate change? - Wensu Li (Trinity)
August 27, 2021: Disasters
- The dynamic impacts of floods on households: The case of Nigeria in 2012 - Mook Bangalore (LSE)
- The impact of drought on structural transformation in India - Sayahnika Basu (UCSD)
- People use park with people: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic - Andie Creel (Yale)
August 13, 2021: Water, Energy, Behaviro
- Beware of side effects? Spillover evidence from a hot water intervention - Harald Mayr (ETH Zurich)
- Incentives for the energy transition: Feed-in tariffs, rebates, or a hybrid design? - Marta Talevi (Yale)
- Culpable consumption: Residential response to price and non-price drought measures - James Sears (UC Berkeley)
July 2, 2021: Agriculture
- Engaging Farmers Through Tailored Information - Collin Weigel (California Air Resources Board)
- The Promise of Crop Substitution Programs - James Sayre (UC Berkeley)
- Climate Change, The Food Problem, and the Challenge of Adaptation through Sectoral Reallocation - Ishan Nath (Chicago)
June 11, 2021: Energy
- The First to Bear the Brunt: China’s Energy Program Evaluation - Xiangyu Meng (Georgia State)
- CAFE Standards or Gasoline Taxes: A Structural Study of Fuel Saving Under Different Policies - Siqi Liu (Brandeis)
- Policy Design and the Effects of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards - Stephanie Weber (Yale)
May 28, 2021: Pollution
- Environmental regulation and firm size - Muhammad Haseeb (Geneva)
- COVID-19 pandemic reveals persistent disparities in NO2 pollution - Gaige Kerr (George Washington)
- The distributional consequences of environmental regulation - Danae Hernandez-Cortez (UC Santa Barbara)
May 7, 2021: Energy and Extraction
- Downwind and out: The strategic dispersion of power plants and their pollution - John Morehouse (Oregon)
- Do credit constraints explain the energy efficiency gap? Evidence from the U.S. new vehicle market - Kevin Ankney (Georgetown)
- Mining, deforestation and the global commodity boom - Victoria Wenxin Xie (Santa Clara)
April 23, 2021: Transportation
- The effect of shale drilling on Native lands: An IV approach - Anna Malinovskaya (Cornell)
- Adaptation and mitigation of air pollution: evidence from air quality warnings - Sandra Aguilar-Gómez (Columbia)
- The time-of-day travel demand elasticity paradox - Cody Nehiba (LSU)
April 9, 2021: Energy
- Wind power penetration impacts on wholesale electricity market prices: Evidence from quantile regression approach - Bolarinwa Ajanaku (West Virginia)
- Short- and long-run effects of electricity grid expansion - Gaurav Doshi (Wisconsin)
- Theoretical and empirical evaluation of a competitive energy rebate program - Chi Ta (Illinois)
March 26, 2021: Climate
- The Social Costs of NIMBYism: Evidence from Renewable Energy Projects in the United Kingdom - Stephen Jarvis (Mannheim)
- Optimal Timing of Electric Vehicle Subsidies - Qingran Li (Duke)
- Linking Carbon Markets with Different Initial Conditions - Matt Woerman (UMass Amherst)
March 12, 2021: Inequality
- Credit and attention in the adoption of profitable energy efficient technologies in Kenya - Susanna Berkouwer (Penn Wharton)
- Air pollution, health, and racial disparities: Evidence from ports - Pei Huang (ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research)
- Can mining change regressive cultural norms? Evidence on acceptance of domestic violence and shared decision-making in india - James Ji (Brandeis)
February 26, 2021: Agriculture
- Nutritional Impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Rural China - Wumeng He (Duke)
- Sustainable Agriculture, Residue Burning, and Urban Infant Mortality: Evidence from Mexico - Joel Ferguson (UC Berkeley)
- Spillovers to Manufacturing Plants from Multimillion Dollar Plantations: Evidence from the Indonesian Palm Oil Boom - Sebastian Kraus (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
February 12, 2021: Floods
- Draining the swamp: Wetlands, flood mitigation, and the Clean Water Act - Hannah Druckenmiller (UC Berkeley)
- Inundated by change: The effects of land use on flood damages - Wesley Howden (UCSD)
January 22, 2021: Air Quality
- Exploring the impacts of air pollution on sleep - Dheeya Rizmie (Imperial College London)
- Pollution Monitoring, Strategic Behavior, and Dynamic Representativeness - Lin Yang (Cornell)
- The Grandkids Aren’t Alright: The Intergenerational Effects of Prenatal Pollution Exposure - Jonathan Colmer (Virginia)
December 11, 2020: Pollution and Environmental Policy
- Earth, Wind, and Fire: The impact of anti-poverty efforts on Indian agriculture and pollution - Patrick Behrer (Stanford)
- Free Power, Irrigation, and Groundwater Depletion: Impact of the Farm Electricity Policy of Punjab, India - Disha Gupta (Delhi School of Economics)
- Strategic Shutdowns of Air Quality Monitors: Evidence from Jersey City and Across the U.S. - Eric Zou (Oregon)
November 13, 2020: Water and Disasters
- Local public finance dynamics and hurricane shocks - Rhiannon Jerch (Temple)
- The health effects of floods on the urban poor - Michelle Escobar (Monash)
- Infrastructure Upgrades and Lead Exposure: Do Cities Face Trade-Offs When Replacing Water Mains - Ludovica Gazze (Warwick) with Jennifer Heissel
October 30, 2020: Electricity Markets
- Levelized Full System Costs of Electricity: A Novel Approach to Evaluate Intermittent Generation - Robert Idel (Rice)
- Large-Scale Wind Power Investment’s Impact on Wholesale Electricity Markets - Omer Karaduman (Stanford)
- Bunching in Residential Electricity Consumption - Laura Grant (Claremont McKenna College) with Becka Brolinson
October 16, 2020: Climate/Adaptation
- The Ins and Outs of Employment: Labor Market Adjustments to Carbon Taxes - Chi Man Yip (Calgary)
- The problem with pricing “carbon”: exploring forest-driven albedo effects in DICELAND - Emily McGlynn (UC Davis)
- Water Availability and Heat-Related Mortality: Evidence from South Africa - Kelly Hyde (Pittsburgh)
- Adaptation and Adverse Selection in Markets for Natural Disaster Insurance - Katherine Wagner (Stanford/UC Berkeley)
October 2, 2020: Policy/Spillovers
- Effect of Nuclear Power Plants on Local Crop Yields - Daniyar Zhumadilov (NC State)
- Women Leaders Improve Local Environmental Outcomes - Meera Mahadevan (UC Irvine)
- Cap-and-trade vs. Carbon Taxes: Efficiency Implications of Emissions Price Volatility in the Power Sector - Felipe Gómez Trejos (ASU)
- The Spillover Effects of Pollution: How Exposure to Lead Affects Everyone in the Classroom - Ludovica Gazze (Warwick)
September 18, 2020: Climate
- Adaptation to Natural Disaster through Better Information: Evidence from Home Seller Disclosure Requirement - Seunghoon Lee (Chicago)
- Climate and Irrigated Agriculture: Evidence from Cash Rents - Nicholas Potter (Washington State)
- Climate Change and Adaptation in Global Supply-Chain Networks - Nora Pankratz (UCLA)
- Reactive Adaptation to Temperature Extremes: The Remarkable Decline in Temperature-Yield Relationship in Chinese Agriculture Over 1981–2010 - Di Wang (UC Santa Barbara)
September 4, 2020: Transportation
- Optimal Carbon Tax in Oligopolies: An Application to Commercial Aviation - Diego Cardoso (Cornell)
- What Drives Battery Electric Vehicle Adoption? - Christina Gore (Ohio State)
- Do Safety Inspections Improve Saftey? Evidence from the Saftey Inspection Program for Commercial Motor Vehicles - Yuanning Liang (Cornell)
- Double Marginalization and the Paths of Natural Gas Gathering Pipelines - Richard DiSalvo (Princeton)
August 21, 2020: Resources
- Scenes from a Monopoly: Renewable Resources and Quickest Detection of Regime Shifts - Neha Deopa (The Graduate Institute, Geneva)
- Information and Spillovers from Targeting Policy in Peru’s Anchoveta Fishery - Gabriel Englander (UC Berkeley)
- Forest Landowner Harvest Decisions in a New Era of Conservation Stewardship and Changing Markets in Maine USA - Jianheng Zhao (Maine)
- The Texas Grand Slam: Robbed by Red Tides? - Jesse Backstrom (Chicago)
August 8, 2020: Agriculture
- Size-Based Regulations and Environmental Quality: Evidence from the U.S. Livestock Industry - Chen-Ti Chen (Iowa State University)
- Beyond Lights: The Changing Impact of Rural Electrification on Indian Agriculture - Sudatta Ray (Stanford)
- The Economic Impact of Schistosomiasis - Daniele Rinaldo (The Graduate Institute, Geneva)
- Agricultural Labor Exits Increase Crop Fires: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence from a Rural Road-Construction Program in India - Hemant Pullabhotla (Stanford)
July 24, 2020: Air Quality
- Pollution and Mortality: Estimating Damages Using Pollutant-Specific Abatement Technologies - Casey Rozowski (NC State)
- Pollution and Acquisition: The Environmental Justice Effects of Mergers - Irene Jacqz (Harvard)
- What Driving Bans Tell Us About the Lasting Health Legacy of Diesel Pollution - Hannah Klauber (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
- Hurricane Induced Discharges from Superfund Sites: A Hedonic Price Analysis of Local Real Estate Market Responses - Mehrnoosh Asadi (Florida International University)
July 20, 2020: Energy
- Strategies, Renewables and Pass Through Costs in the German Day-Ahead Electricity Market - Gloria Colmenares (The University of Münster)
- The Effect on Total Electricity Consumption of Behavioral Changes in Response to Time-Varying Pricing in the Residential Sector - Tabaré Capitán (University of Wyoming)
- Contracting for Electricity in Low Income Countries: the Role of Liquidity Constraints and Transaction Costs - Megan Lang (UC Berkeley)
- Optimization and Pricing of Ancillary Services in Low-Carbon Electricity Grids - Luis Badesa (Imperial College London)